Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thieves and a Harvest

Good news and bad news to report today. First the good:

We have harvested the first offering from the garden. Lovely, aromatic, crisp romaine lettuce. I've never smelled lettuce before that had such a distinct scent, a bit sweet and oh so fresh. I can't wait to eat it.

Also, all five tomato plants are blooming and we have about a half dozen little green tomatoes coming along. We have our first bud on a pepper plant, the zucchini plants are huge and beginning to bud, the green beans are tall and budding and the corn is robust. We're not sure about the carrots, though. While their sprouts are big and green, Michele wondered if our horrbly rocky soil would block their southward growth. This week's rain and humid weather will likely have a huge effect on everything next week, though a couple corn stalks took the worst of the torrential rain yesterday morning.

Perhaps I'll use the fresh lettuce as a bed for a meal of fish, which brings us to the bad news...

We have suffered a security breach. Alex's scarecrow, Senior El Gato (as named by my sister, Sara) has come up missing. Blame has been cast toward neighborhood miscreants, out at night looking for something to fill their idle hours (idle hands and the Devil and such). I suspect something more sinister, though - revenge.

I shall double my vigilance to keep these creatures at bay lest they return for something more precious the next time. (Note to self: caution Michele against wearing white bathing suits.) Perhaps I'll exact a bit of revenge of my own. Anyone have a nearby lagoon I can pee in?

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