Saturday, May 30, 2009

Green stuff, outdoors and in

Picture time - first the garden, then a before shot of the floor.

On the left, there's bi-color sweet corn in the
foreground and green beans in the middle, both of which are growing very well. Behind those are the two transplanted tomato plants (left) that went into shock but seem to be coming back and two transplanted pepper plants (right) that are a litte iffy as well.

The pic on the right shows regular yellow corn in the foreground that is not really taking off, especialy compared to the bi-color next to it, zucchini in the middle that is exploding and cucumbers in the back that seem to be coming along nicely.

Here's a shot from the other side. The bare patch up front (left of the pepper plants) is carrots. They're just beginning to sprout, but only one row so far.

Behind that is a smaller patch of lettuce, but only one little sprout has popped up so far, and that may end up being nothing more than a weed. We'll have to wait and see. One of my projects for this upcoming week of vacation is putting up a chicken wire fence to keep our hoppity neighbors at bay.

And here we have the before of our indoor green project - installing pre-finished bamboo hardwood flooring. Bamboo is one of the most sustainable building products you can use. Since it's a grass, it takes very little time to grow lots and lots of it and, in my opinion, looks really cool. Now, I'm not some kooky enviro-nut, but I think it's a good idea to use renewable resources. Plus, I got a pretty good deal on the wood from Lumber Liquidators and, as I said before, the stuff looks totally bitchin'.

I'm starting in that far left coner by the window and I've got a tricky area around the stairs there that will take a lot of measuring and cutting (and cussing, and whining, and crying, and cussing). I'll post some shots of the in-process work, which will begin today with a bunch of prep work. The pic of the wood there is a little off - it's actually not quite that red, more of a brown. Now, off to Menards to buy underlayment and other fun stuff. More to come later...


  1. Did you find a body outline on the floor when you pulled up the carpet?

  2. Alas, no, and I completely missed that opportunity to relive that all-time great joke. Ten bucks says Mom would have fallen for it again.
