Sunday, May 24, 2009

Another day, another inch

(No, this is not a commercial for Extenze capsules.) The difference from one day to the next is rather amazing. Sprouts that were barely above the surface just yesterday are now vibrant, green and clearly visible all over our humble little patch of Earth.

The picture to the right is from Saturday, but already these corn shoots look twice this size and there are more of them as well. All four cucumbers are coming up, three of the four zucchinis, four rows of corn (!) four or five green bean plants and the first evidence of carrot and lettuce plants emerging. The tomato and pepper plants that we planted, however, are having a tough time of it and we may need to replant those. Everything that we started from seed seems to be coming along rather nicely.

Next up is the fencing to keep out our little cottontail neighbors who scamper across the lawn every late night when I come home from the Tribune. And, my Cor-A-Vent co-worker and provider of nature's finest fertilizer, Cindy, has a roll of chicken wire she's going to give us. Nice. All ten of my thumbs now have the slightest green hue.

As I mentioned earlier, we're also putting down hardwood flooring in the main/upper level of our house. I'm taking a week off of work to install it myself (!) and I am begging, borrowing, and possibly stealing all the tools I'll need for the job. We're putting down pre-finished bamboo and I'll throw on some pics of that process as well. It's gonna be kick-ass, if I don't ruin it first.

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